Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Real Bombay Rain

Ever since the monsoon came to Maharashtra last June, I have always had a great time with it. From the distinct earthen scent of the cracked soil getting watered for the first time in months, to the roaming in the rain with teenage girls, on to river rafting while getting even more soaked in the ravaging rains, and to a 7-hour bike ride with friends to a really cool (literally and figuratively) hill station.

Recently, however, the rain seems to bring me more harm than good. First, it affects my work schedule going to work in Dadar (as I need to travel about 40kms) and I refuse to go when it's a downpour, to protect myself and Aspi from risking getting wet. Second, if there was no choice (i.e. it was not raining when I went to Dadar but it was raining going back), and if I am unlucky, the rain will be heavy by the time I reach Kharghar and walk towards the Centre (auto wallahs are difficult to get past 9!) and I would end up getting wet and sick the next day! Third, if I am really unlucky, like last night, the trains will not be working and I would have to sit in a bus for a 6-hour journey through the flooded and crowded streets of Mumbai.

My First Tiffin

3 September 2012

Since I got a free tiffin container from my purchase of three soups at big bazaar last Sunday, I decided to prepare a tiffin for my work in Mumbai. And, as I haven't had an egg in the past two weeks, I prepared an omelette, with carrots, potatoes and onions!

Omelette: my first tiffin!
I was so happy when, except for some overflow, I managed to make the egg fold into a perfect empanada-shaped omelette! Of course, the overflow served as breakfast, although it now looked like the Rajie-popularized scramlette! :)

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