Monday, August 27, 2012

Reliving good habits

So yeah, it's confirmed. My rashes were not dengue or malaria-related. Nor is it allergies. Best conclusion, the auto-immune skin disease was a result of stress+sickness+weak immune system put altogether.

While I may not be able to control my stress triggers, I can at least take better care of myself. Ergo, returning to good habits such as sleeping early (I'll try) and eating properly (love this!) to make my "recovery" faster.

Yoghurt with Muesli, Melon and Krackel Choc Bits

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hello South India (video version)

15-21 August 2012

Yep, by some miracle and after cancelling my Goa and Bangalore legs, I managed to get over the malaria scare and book a foreign tourist quota (after getting denied twice!) ticket to Chennai, state of Tamil Nadu, South India!

Chennai Central Railway Station

Thursday, August 9, 2012

More home-cooked goodness from Vasai

7-8 August 2012
I stayed two nights with my boss' family so that meant more home-cooked goodness from Sunila, Raju's wife. She actually got 'mad' at me for not letting her pack the dosa for my lunch when she found out that I had mung dal and thums up for lunch!

So, at night, I feasted on chapatti and rice, with dal, bombil fry (fish) ad a sabzi which I think is bell pepper. The onion and tomato salad is back, with added cucumber!


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

All-Indian work snack

I know I should be eating healthier but I just can't help it. I am getting used to the different snacks available here and I must say, I am already getting addicted!

If you know me or if we have worked together before, you won't find it Asa surprise that I always end up munching on something while I am working. It's like second nature already. Sometimes, my brain just don't function as properly as I want it if I am not eating something.

Of course, I can always say that my brain uses a lot of energy while thinking so I have every right to eat while doing so. But then ago, we both know I'm just trying to justify my eating habits. Hahaha. Oh well, whatever works!
mung dal, khatta mitha mix, tikha mitha mix, sweet and salty biscuit
and of course, thums up!

Home-cooked idli dosa breakfast goodnes

As part of my website development work, I am currently staying with my boss' family here in Vasai since the 2.5hr (one-way) commute us just impossible.

So, since last night, I have been having home-cooked food courtesy of my boss' wife. Last night's meal was Bhindi (okra/lady finger) sabzi and fal with rice and chapatti. There's also pickled mango (sour ad spicy) and tomato onion salad (tasted like home).

And for this morning, we had idli dosa with green chutney. It's a south Indian dish. Honestly speaking, I am not yet that familiar or accustomed to the taste of idli dosa and chutney. Imagine a puto-looking bread that tastes like it was fermented or something. The green chutney is made of coconut plus other spices, the only one I can identify is garlic. I am not very fond of idli but it was the first time I finished it! So, you know what that meant right?!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Office meals

I am almost always on the run whenever I work at Dadar. It has something to do with the need to travel and the want for more sleep. So, I end up having my breakfast at the office. Of course, it's not breakfast as in tapsilog meals. It would more or less be like (not all together though!) bread, chips, biscuits, banana, and of course, chai!

chai and marie
And then, as I don't have the time (read: too lazy to cook), I end up ordering something from the nearby hotel (means restaurant or canteen here). And most of the time, I forget to order at 1 or 1:15 so at 1:30-1:45-ish lunch time, I end up not having any food yet. So, what usually happens is I get offered food from my colleagues and then I coerce them (since they're already full) to take some of my food upon its arrival.

Do not drink this coffee...savour it!

Another reason for CCD moment was because I needed to get a new coffee bag as I have ran out weeks ago and I'm desperately in need of caffeine these days.

One coffee bag is worth Rs 65 for the regular one, more or less for the mild or strong versions. But, a black rectangular tin can with "dark forest" words and design caught my eye and the cashier was so convincing. This is hand-picked coffee madam, he said. And I'm like, OK I'll get that. Didn't even put up a fight! Hahaha

Do not drink this coffee...savour it!

I had it this morning and it's good! I think it was less stronger than I expected but perhaps it's because the water and powder ratio was different. Anyway, I'll try again next time!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A different kind of shot

After getting rejected at the foreign tourist quota counter for my train ticket (the clerk said I have an Employment visa so it's not counted), I headed to the nearby CCD (cafe coffee day--it's ala-Starbucks in terms of number of shops but it's much cheaper and coffee is not the same.

There I met Naren, another couch surfer and a good friend (naka naman!!!), and stayed for almost two hours! We talked about different stuff--his raksha bandhan bracelets (given from sister to brother, his included nieces), my stressful work situation recently and computers and websites and CS meet-ups among other things. Oh, about our liking for tweety bird and how rich the angry birds developer must be like!

And, we tried something new! The dessert shots of CCD. As I'm craving for blueberry cheesecake but can't fid any, I got the shots instead! Mango and then Belgian chocolate. It was yum enough, commensurate to the 20rs price tag! And seeing how I lost a lot of weight, Naren was teasing me to get a 1kg cake! Of course, I declined. Gluttony!
Shots plus chili cheese toast

A taste of Sri Lanka - almost!

Earlier in May, I was planning on going for a long holiday south of India and then flying to Sri Lanka. I was really excited about it (and so did Cling who sent me an itinerary!) and even thought of traveling together with co-volunteers Rosie and Sue.

Currently, Sue is back in UK or Austria and I am heading somewhere else for the long leave days vacay! Rosie, AFAIK is still traveling to Sri Lanka and maybe we'd meet her in Chennai. I'm traveling south with Juls, another volunteer based in the east!

I was just reminded of all the Sri Lanka preps as I got a Sri Lanka coffee packet/sachet today from the Urban office. I like the chai here and all but coffee is still what my body really craves for! Especially since reviewing Queen Seon Depk eps kept me up late!

However, pani garmi hai kuch Nahin (or something like that) was the response of the admin guy. Meaning, hot water is not available! Ah, I thought today is Sri Lanka coffee day. Hohum. Oh well, like everything else, I'll have to be patient a bit longer. For now, Indian coffee will do! After 2 chai cups, coffee finally! The things is, though it smells different, I can't differentiate the taste anymore!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Allowance Day Spend Away

So yep, as I mentioned, it's indeed allowance day today! Woohoo!

So, amidst the pouring rain (didn't rain all day and then suddenly...!) I walked from the YUVA training centre to Subway, a good 10-minute exercise. I didn't initially plan on going to Subway. I was thinking of goin to Domino's pizza and then grocery shopping at Big Bazaar. I was actually already walking towards that when I remembered it's Chicken Teriyaki for sub of the day, which I have never tried. Therefore, I walked back and retraced my steps towards the opposite direction! I was thinking, I can have dinner at Subway and then go to More grocery store at Little World. Still a good option.

Going to Subway, I passed by the Java Green Cafe. I've gone there once, to meet fellow CouchSurfer Naren for coffee and chat. I was thinking of goin inside to check if they have blueberry cheesecake since I have been craving for it. But, I decided otherwise. Was also SMS-ing with Sravan and though he is not a dinner-eating person, he decided to go to Subway too and catch-up.

Upon arrival, the cashier guy recognized me with a smile and a nod. See, I've been Subway-ing myself often these days. When I ordered, I asked for Chicken Teriyaki. The guy made it with parmesan oregano bread, toasted with cheese, with all veggies except the chili and with barbeque, sweet onion and black pepper yoghurt sauce.

Yummy Mistake

Necessity is the mother of Invention

I am, finally, (almost) out of food stocks! I guess, when you prioritize entertainment spending (aka parties and trips) rather than grocery shopping, you'll eventually end up with an almost zero balance in your account.

As I live on a "good-enough-for-food-and-basic-needs-but-not-for-weekly-parties-and-trips" allowance that gets replenished as arrears (allowance for the month is received on the 1st of the following month), I should be spending my money more wisely. But then again, if the entertainment spending keeps you sane and de-stresses you on the weekend to make you charged up for the weekday, then YES! Entertainment spending should be prioritized! Hahahaha

Anyway, as it is 1st of August today, I would hopefully get my allowance to buy more food stocks coz today, I am almost out! I guess necessity really is the mother of invention. Why I believe so? Coz I managed to prepare breakfast which I otherwise wouldn't have thought of if only I had other ingredients. Hahaha.

Aloo and Soya Waadi sauteed with onion before getting stewed in
tomato and red chili sauce; tea with sugar and creamer from the train;
sweet and salty biscuits; and banana with oreo

But hey, it was still healthy and yes, YUMMY! Oh well. Grocery shopping later!
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